
My Story...

I have always loved the piano.  I began as a little girl picking out melodies on our old upright piano that sat in our living room.  I loved to see if I could figure out what keys played the melody that was in my head.

  At about 12 I took a few lessons from someone in our church.  She showed me the basics of chords and a bit of technique.  I kept working on my own and began playing for church and for the kids services.  Most of all I prayed and asked God to show me how to play.  I spend hours at that living room piano experimenting and trying to figure things out.  And He showed me!

My dad bought me an organ to play in church when I was about 15.  That was a big factor in my learning.  I was able to figure out so many technical details when I started playing along with my mom for church services.  I often had to figure out how to play things on the fly since there was no music or chord charts in those days. 

I continued to learn on my own, school band was great for reading music. I played mostly by ear, learning to find the chords in a song and play the melody and as I grew, how to create an accompaniment.  

As an young adult I played for chapel in Bible School and have been playing for church for many years...maybe 45-(gulp). 

Around 1991 one of the mom’s at the church we pastored asked me if I would try teaching her daughter to play the piano.  I felt totally unqualified. But I thought I would step out and give it a try.  The rest is history.  I have taught countless students since then.  They have come through my front door, played at my house, become friends with my kids and learned to love playing music on the black and white keys.  It has been such an adventure and blessing to see those students who sit on my bench blossom in their skills and love of music. 

I may not have taken the traditional path to learn to play, I don’t think it is bad.  I learned to play on my own and in a way that has brought a lifetime of loving music and being able to play on many different levels. It has been such a fun journey! 

Several of my students are playing for churches across the state.  If my present students have the desire to learn and drive to practice they can also develop skills to play by ear as well as by music. It takes self motivation but it can be very rewarding.

I also, of course, teach students the traditional way to play, from primer to advanced levels. 

It is a joy to see students grow.  Some I have taught from the times their sweet hands are tiny until they are full grown.  It is wonderful to have such an amazing history with each one.

I am thankful for the opportunity to speak into the lives of so many students over the years.  What a blessing to be a part of their growth and maturity in music and life in general.